What to Do If You Have a Dental Emergency in Atlanta

The first thing you need to know when it comes to dental emergencies is that you should call a dentist immediately so you can get seen and treated as soon as possible. Real dental emergencies can only get worse and lead to complications, such as severe infection or intensified pain, if you wait.

Let me give you a solid idea of what constitutes a dental emergency. Emergencies would fall within the following general categories:

  • things that are causing chronic or recurring pain in your teeth or jaw (whether you know what is causing this or not)
  • teeth that have fractured, broken off, become damaged or have been knocked out
  • infections in and around your teeth and gums, such as swelling or abscesses
  • Injuries to your teeth that have caused them to become loose,
  • Dental restorations, such as crowns or bridges, that have come loose or fallen off, exposing your ground-down natural teeth

These situations are as important for child as they are for you as an adult. Yes, even a baby tooth that has gotten knocked out. Did you know that it is important to try to save that tooth and re-insert it if possible? That’s right. Baby teeth that get knocked out early can no longer keep your child’s adjacent teeth from shifting position and altering their bite. This could lead to orthodontic problems up the line.

There are a number of things you would be wise to do yourself as preliminary care before you actually get to the dentist.  These things can alleviate the immediate pain and protect you from further infection before you get to sit in the dental chair. They are spelled out in detail on our website on the page entitled “Emergency Dental Treatment”. For general information, you can also go to the following link and get instructions:


Now, with all the dentists in the Atlanta area, how can you tell who is going to take care of you with the greatest expertise, care and speed? Here are a few things that will tell you that you are in good hands:

  • Does the office advertise that it accepts emergencies?
  • Does the office say that they will work to get you in the same day? Will they see you on weekends?
  • Does their website give you an idea of exactly what you can expect when you come to see them for an emergency appointment?
  • Does the website have any bio of the doctor or doctors who will be treating you ?
  • Does the doctor have any special certifications in advanced procedures beyond just a dental degree? Advanced training in orthodontics, TMJ Pain treatment, cosmetic dentistry and replacement of missing teeth are huge plusses. It means the dentists can not only get you out of pain (which about anyone can do), it means that they can really correct the underlying problem and likely fix you up so you are as good as new

Dr. Padolsky has advanced training and certifications in all the dental skills above, and he has been in practice since 1982, so he’s an experienced hand. He even trains other dentists in dental techniques, so he knows his procedures cold.

Dr. Padolsky welcomes dental emergencies, and our staff will work feverishly to get you in our office and taken care of the same day. And yes, he’ll even see you on a Saturday.

Just give us a call immediately when you or your child has a dental emergency. We’ll make sure it all gets taken care of, and fast.